2 month update – VR is helping to reduce neuropathic pain.

November 6, 2019

Avatar Robert Buren

For 2 months now I’ve been watching the 3D videos that Jim created for me, while trying to move my lower body as if the video is me in real time. The first 5 weeks I did the videos almost every day, but since then I’ve been watching them less often. Partly because I’m feeling less pain and I’m less desperate, but also because after having watched the same videos so many times, they’ve become ingrained in my memory. When I close my eyes, or even just think of the movements in the video, I’ll see them quite vividly in my mind. I continue to do this visualization many times each day.

The great news is that I’m seeing an improvement in the decreased amount and intensity of the pain that I’m experiencing. Looking back 12 months, this October was the best. I can’t explain how incredible this is. Not being able to walk sucks, but chronic pain is exponentially worse. On a day when my neuropathic pain is less than a 4 out of 10, it feels like I’ve won the lottery. There were some months when I’d get only a handful of good days, but that’s slowly changing for the better.

Neuropathic pain is complicated, and while I try to isolate variables to detect causality, some other things I’ve been slowly changing include:

  • Trying to wake up before 7:30 every day (and not just waking up whenever)
  • Taking the dogs for at least a 20 minute walk, usually in the morning
  • I’ve started B12 and B Complex vitamins (in addition to the usual Vitamins C, Multi, high doses of D and calcium)
  • I’ve stopped using THC Phoenix Tears to help me sleep, and consequently I’ve started dreaming again. The quality of my sleep is better, and I wonder if walking in my dreams is contributing to a remapping of my brain (no way to know, but it’s interesting to think about).

I’m always hesitant to talk about improvements in my health, as history has proven this pain challenge fluctuates. But knowing VR 3D videos are the most unique change I’ve made to my life, and that so many of your are interested in what we’re doing, as well as my well being, I’ll keep you up to date as things develop and hopefully this trend will continue.

Thanks again for reading.
